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Compucat Software - Pageant Scoring Spresdsheets

Here are some scoring spreadsheets you might be able to use.
(Excell xlsx format) Prelim and Final with both Raw and Adjusted
(MAO)Scoring. The prelim one can be used if there is no final due
to an optional On Stage Question included. Use the Contact Us
button for help, questions, or modifications. You can also use the
email link if you are not using an on line only service.
Preliminary - can also be
used as a final with no preliminary

Final Only
Directions for the above
Right Click Over Link Then Save As! Just Mention Pageant Help On

On Line Voting

On Line Voting - For State Level And Above Pageants as well as
selected organizations. The vote form can only be accessed from a
link on your domain. This is a complimentary service just mention

In most systems entrants don't tell anyone they are in a pageant
but now it is different because of the internet voting. If an
entrant gets the most people to vote (networks) for her she gets
an award on stage.
1) It attracts sponsors for the pageant when they see how many
people go your site and vote (Think of it like TV ratings\sweeps
week) buton the WEB
2) Some people after voting may decide to enter the pageant next
year while looking around the site after or during the vote
3) Some people who voted for an entrant may decide to support the
entrant further by being in the audience (more ticket sales).
4) Some people will decide to attend the pageant (buy tickets) to
see what all the fuss is about.


MediaByCS.Com is the Editing and Video Production subset of Compucat
Software. As of 2008, ten of our projects received International Film
Festival Awards for Excellence in Film, Video, and Audio


WebsByCS.Com is the Web design, maintenance, and optimization subset
of Compucat Software. Specializing in multimedia web sites, we have
designed and maintained 3 national level pageant web sites as well as
state and local level web sites. Our sites are programmed for easy
maintenance with fast updates.

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