Welcome to PageantHelp.Com - Home of the Pageant  Help Series


Pageant Help Products are availabe through Amazon.Com and CreateSpace.Com (Links Provided at bottom of this page).

The DVD sets are only available by their separate components.

Please check our Hall of Fame - the results speak for themselves. Win with us and become a member. A copy of one of our certificates is at the Hall of Fame link.

Getting into the Hall of Fame - When you win an international or National level competitive title. Contact us with your name and title along with the product used and the date and place of purchase so we can verify you as one of our product users.

Our award winning and the original multimedia pageant preparation tool the Pagent Help DVD (set) was at version 4 when Amazon stopped selling it. A subset is now available for free in our video section along with commentary

Books - The Pageant Help Series have been expanded with the first first one  “Pageant Help:Questions”  and the newe “PageantHelp 101 on sale at amazon. Check descriptions and links in our book section.


Copyright© 1999 Through Present - All Rights Reserved by William Hall
